1. General conditions of purchase

These Special Conditions of the Purchase Agreement apply to online sales made through the website (hereinafter, the ONLINE BOUTIQUE), of which Suarez Training (hereinafter SUAREZ) is the owner.

Suarez Training is a limited company with registered office at c/ Gran Vía 40 bis 3, 48009 Bilbao, with Tax Identification Number B 95352936, and one of its commercial brands is SUAREZ.

The use by the client of the services of the ONLINE BOUTIQUE presupposes, in any case, acceptance of the Specific Conditions of the national online Purchase Contract, in the version published by SUAREZ, at the time of the purchase order. Therefore, it is advisable that the customer read these Specific Conditions before proceeding to make a purchase, as well as the general terms and conditions of use of the portal.

In all matters not provided for in these Special Conditions of the National Online Purchase Contract, the provisions of the general terms and conditions of use of the portal shall apply.

2. Object of the contract

These particular conditions of online purchase apply to the purchase of any product on the website

Are expressly excluded the possibility of acquiring products on the web by way of redemption of vouchers, gift cards and the like purchased in the Corte Ingles and other issuers of such securities.

The prices of each of the jewelry and accessories are indicated on the website on the date the order is placed. The prices are detailed on each item and include VAT[1]. The amount of shipping costs and any other service is also specified and will be indicated to the customer in detail at the time of placing the order.

The online purchase service through the Portal regulated in these Special Conditions only allows the purchase of products and services to users over 18 years of age.

SUAREZ reserves the right to cancel the access account of a user if fraudulent, speculative or bad faith acts are detected in the use of this service.

SUAREZ will modify and update, if deemed appropriate, articles and prices in response to commercial criteria of the company.

[1]In the case of the Canary Islands, the legally established indirect tax (IGIC) will be applied, which will be detailed prior to shipment.

3. Contracting procedure

Before contracting, the customer will have at his disposal in the ONLINE BOUTIQUE information on the procedures to be followed for the conclusion of the electronic contract of sale of products or services. The online purchase procedure consists of the following phases referred to in the online purchase process:

  1. Purchase
  2. Data form
  3. Payment
  4. Confirmation
  5. Shipping

SUAREZ will file the electronic document so that it is accessible to the customer at a later time after the conclusion of the Contract. The language in which the contract may be formalized is Spanish.

To modify your registration data or, if applicable, those of the company you represent, please contact the following address:

Finally, during the online purchase process you will be asked for the data (e.g. the delivery address) that are necessary for the execution and control of the purchase (including the delivery of the product and the collection of the price). The billing data will be those contained in the user's registration. SUAREZ is not responsible for errors made by the customer in the data provided to us for the completion of the purchase, the customer must pay special attention in completing the forms and without prejudice to the possibility of correcting such data after the completion of the purchase, where possible, at the following address: Joyería Suarez c / Serrano 63, 28006 Madrid, or if you prefer by phone: 917 811 680..

If the customer enters erroneous data during the purchase process and its correction gives rise to costs, SUAREZ reserves the right to charge the user such costs or to cancel the purchase requested.

Likewise, Suarez reserves the right to cancel the order in case of any human error in loading the product on the site, either in the description of its characteristics, the price shown in the product sheet or the stock associated with it. In case of this fact Suarez will communicate it to the customer as soon as possible through the customer service department and will try to offer an alternative solution.

4. Obligations of the parties


The customer of SUAREZ products is committed to a diligent and good faith use of the portal, to satisfy the payment of the established price and is responsible for the accuracy of the data provided required for the transaction.

The prices of each of the jewelry and accessories are indicated on the website on the date the order is placed and include taxes and fees. The customer will be able to choose the payment method at the end of the purchase process among the following:

  • Payment by card: all credit and debit cards of Visa and Mastercard, American Express brands are accepted.
  • Payment by Paypal.
  • Payment in installments with Aplazame finance.
  • Payment by transfer: will be made by making the transfer by the customer's bank to the SUAREZ account indicated on the check out page, then sending the receipt to Once payment is confirmed by the administration department will proceed to ship the product.

For the payment process, SUAREZ uses third-party services outside SUAREZ and, in particular those of PASARELA DE PAGO of the financial institution BBVA (online payment gateway, which functions as a virtual point of sale terminal). Service providers will ask the customer for certain information to make the payment, according to the payment methods they offer. Upon successful completion of the payment process (step 3 of the online purchase process), the contract will be deemed concluded and SUAREZ will confirm such contracting by email within a maximum period of 24 hours.


Unless otherwise expressly stated during the online purchase process, the delivery procedure to the customer of the SUAREZ product or service purchased through the Service, will be carried out according to the following steps:

  • The shipment will be made to the address indicated by the customer during the purchase process, as completed in step 2 (Data Form).
  • The shipment will be made through a courier service provided by a third party external to Suarez.

SUAREZ is committed to deliver the product paid by the customer to the delivery address within 5-7 working days, although for reasons beyond the company's control may take longer. If it is a new work the term can correspond up to 16 weeks of production.

If there is any problem in the processing of your order or shipment, SUAREZ will contact the customer to inform him of the incident. In any case, the customer may also contact SUAREZ to check the status of your order and shipment at the following address and phone number: 917 811 680.

Unless expressly stated otherwise during the online purchase process, the shipping costs of the SUAREZ product or service purchased through the Service will be borne entirely by SUAREZ.

5. Withdrawal and return

The customer has the right to withdraw from the contract for all online purchases within THIRTY calendar days of receipt of the item.

For the formalization of the withdrawal the customer may use any of the following ways:

  1. Contacting our Customer Service department via email indicating the order number and postal address to collect the product. Our Customer Service Department will send you a label that you must print and place on the package in a visible place.
  2. Depositing the jewel in any of our physical boutiques.
  3. Requesting the return in the SUAREZ customer area on the website.

Formalized the withdrawal and returned the item along with its original packaging, we will proceed to refund the amount of the purchase in the same payment method used in the purchase and in the shortest possible time, and in any case, in the fourteen calendar days following the time that SUAREZ has become aware of the withdrawal of the customer.

Online purchases do not accept changes in the jewelry model, only refunds with the original payment method.

Returns will not be accepted if the jewelry has been previously modified, i.e. size adjustments different from the standard size 13 and engraving of the jewelry.

6. Existence of warranty

SUAREZ offers its customers products and services of the highest quality.

The gold used for the manufacture of the pieces is first grade 750 thousandths, the silver is first grade 925 thousandths, the platinum is first grade 950 thousandths.

The Suarez family, GIA certified gemologists, buys diamonds directly from the place of origin. Suarez solitaire diamonds weighing more than 0.20 carats are accompanied by their IGI or GIA certificate. They all meet the conditions of the "Kimberley Treaty" (certification system for the international trade of diamonds not originating from countries in conflict).

Given the special characteristics of the products marketed by SUAREZ in the BOUTIQUE ONLINE, there are slight differences between each product or service purchased, mainly due to the uniqueness and exclusivity of each and every one of the materials and stones used in their manufacture, which is also largely handmade. Therefore, no two SUAREZ products are exactly alike and, in any case, it is inevitable that the product delivered to the customer differs slightly from the one shown in the photographs included in the purchase process of the BOUTIQUE ONLINE (even if it had been the same). In no case, these differences will imply the delivery of products or services with worse quality of materials than those expressly mentioned in the Portal.

In any case, without prejudice to the provisions at the beginning of the section, SUAREZ products purchased by the customer through the purchase procedure established on the website have the legal guarantee of the consumer goods, that is, its conformity with its description on the website and with these Special Conditions.

SUAREZ is liable for any lack of conformity that becomes apparent within two years of delivery. The consumer must inform the seller of the lack of conformity within two months after he became aware of it. Failure to comply with this deadline will not entail the loss of the right to the corresponding remedy, the customer being responsible, however, for the damages or losses actually caused by the delay in communication. In any case, the guarantee related to those damages caused by an inadequate use is excluded, as well as in general all those excluded by the legislation of the European Union in force.

7. Customer Service

The purchasers of SUAREZ products may address their complaints and claims to the following address: or Joyería Suárez, c/ Serrano 63, 28006 Madrid.

Competent jurisdiction and applicable law

For any dispute arising from this online sales contract shall be competent Spanish courts. Likewise, Spanish law (Texto Refundido de la Ley General para la Defensa de los Consumidores y Usuarios) shall be applicable in all matters not provided for in this contract.

The European Commission offers a platform for alternative dispute resolution, which can be accessed at:

SUAREZ is not a member of any association or organization that offers an out-of-court dispute resolution system.

8. Intellectual and industrial property

All content (including graphic design, source code, logos, text, graphics, illustrations, photographs, trade names, trademarks or distinctive signs and any other elements that appear on the Portal), unless expressly stated otherwise, are the exclusive property of SUAREZ or third parties.

No intellectual or industrial property rights over the Portal or any of its integral elements are transferred to the client, and the reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, making available, extraction, reuse, resending or use of any nature, by any means or procedure, of any of them is expressly forbidden to the client, except in cases where it is legally permitted or authorized by the owner of the corresponding rights.

The customer may view and obtain a temporary private copy of the contents for his exclusive personal, private and non-collective use on his computer systems (software and hardware), provided that it is not for the purpose of developing collective activities or of a commercial or professional nature. The customer must refrain from obtaining, or attempting to obtain, the contents by means or procedures other than those that in each case have been made available or indicated for that purpose or those that are commonly used on the Internet (provided that the latter do not involve a risk of damage or disablement of the Portal). The customer must respect at all times all intellectual and industrial property rights on the Portal, owned by SUAREZ or third parties.

In any case, SUAREZ reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice, the presentation and configuration of the Portal, as well as the General Conditions or the corresponding Special Conditions.

9. Availability of the online purchase service

The online sales service will be available around the clock 24 hours a day, although the customer service is available Monday through Friday from 9.00 am to 18.00 pm. SUAREZ informs the buyer that there may be anomalies or interruptions in the availability or operation of the Service due to causes not attributable to SUAREZ (technical problems of Internet providers, telecommunications, problems in the buyer's terminal, etc.), so the time to make the purchase may be extended.